Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Apr 29, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

May Meeting

Title: May Meeting Location: Pythian Link out: Click here Description: May Meeting for Ottawa Valley SAGE This month we have two main topics: a presentation by Rove-IT on mobile administration (canceled for now) We will continue the configuration of the mail server system. This month we will be configuring the Dovecot portion and securing the connections. As always, there will be some opening discussions and possibly an ignite video. Start Time: 19:00

Apr 28, 2010 - 2 minute read - Comments

HTRA Training available...

Comprehensive Risk Management, Education and Awareness Through “The Harmonized Threat Risk Assessment Methodology” Join the High Tech Crime and Investigation Association (HTCIA) Ottawa Chapter, Thursday, May 27, 2010, for a one day training event on the subject of the Harmonized Threat Risk Assessment (HTRA) Methodology. This session is geared towards those who are interested in understanding the methodology used by today’s Security Experts when conducting Threat Risk Assessments. Following the organization of the Harmonized TRA Methodology:

Apr 17, 2010 - 2 minute read - Comments

Opportunity for a Linux Systems Administrator

Contact Derek directly: I have an opportunity for a Linux Systems Administrator. It’s a 2 year contract, $450 per day. Qualifications include: Two years experience as a System Administrator on a project where Oracle 10g or higher was implemented as part of the solution. Experience as a System Administrator on two projects where HP UNIX or Linux was implemented as part of the solution. Two years experience as a System Administrator on a project where: HP UNIX or Linux; and VMware or Integrity Virtual Machine technology, were implemented as part of the solution.

Apr 10, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

Email Hell - Why the current standards need to be radically overhauled

For an interesting presentation on the complexity of e-mail check out the following presentation: Until I saw this, I was unaware of how badly designed the current e-mail structure is, and how badly/incomplete the RFCs for e-mail are. Unfortunately the slides are blurry so you cannot see the examples very well but the talk alone is very informative.

Apr 4, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

ovSAGE April Meeting

Title: ovSAGE April Meeting Location: The Pythian Group (St. Laurent Mall) Link out: Click here Description: The next step in our mock SMB server. email and email web services will be enabled during this session. Feel free to do this in advance and bring any questions to the meeting. In addition, we will look at which direction we wish to go next. What services should be added, what else would be useful?