Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Aug 12, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] August Meeting

After a short hiatus (read summer holidays), I believe it’s time for an August meeting. Date: Tuesday, August 1999 Location: Tentatively Ambelside Phase 1 Time: 19:00 Topics: TBD I will post an additional message once I get confirmation of the location.

Aug 12, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] job position at Apple Computers

Hello I was wondering if you could post this position to your jobs mailing list? Thank You Jackie Jarvis Responsible for the day to day administration and management of Unix workstations in a R&D environment. Work with a team of sytem administrators to insure our Unix and network architecture supports our design processes and methodologies. Responsibilities also include setting up user accounts and environments, insuring that design data is backed

May 13, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Meeting Reminder - May 18, 1999

The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 18, 1999 Location: Rideau Campus, Algonquin College Room: To Be Determined Time: 7pm until 9:30 pm We have decided that the third Tuesday of every month will be the meeting night, and that we have a permanent home at Algonquin. Once we have nailed down a room, the meetings can be cast in stone. Directions: Algonquin is off the Nicholas split of the Queensway on Lees Avenue.

May 6, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Ottawa Valley SAGE info thought

To whom it may concern: I am an experienced UNIX systems administration consultant traveling in Ottawa/Toronto area on business in the next three months. During which time I would like to have the opportunities to network with talented people in the same field. If you may send me contact and event information, I’d appreciate it. Looking forward to meeting you. Sincerely Robert Tseng Comrise Technology, Inc. 1301 Concord Center, State Hwy 36

Apr 20, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Reminder Note

+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | NEW LOCATION | NEW LOCATION | NEW LOCATION | NEW LOCATION | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ Location: Rideau Campus of Algonquin College Room: E128 Time: 7pm until 9:30 pm Directions: Algonquin is off the Nicholas split of the Queensway on Lees Avenue. The Ottawa Carleton Linux Users Group have a map located at the following URL: According to their web page, parking is free. Agenda: The topics for discussion are wide open.