Ottawa Valley SAGE

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May 7, 2007 - 1 minute read - Comments

May Meeting - email configuration in postfix

The May meeting will be pushed out a week, due to the BSD Canada conference. It would be too difficult to race from the conference to the meeting, so I’m bumping the meeting a week. Don’t forget the topic for this month, configuring email. I believe we were going to look at postfix (which should be new to most of us). If you have a laptop, feel free to bring it along.

Apr 26, 2007 - 3 minute read - Comments

MacBook exploit (actually java exploit)

I just saw this in my email and decided to pass it on. The original article is posted on ZDnet. It’s interesting and hopefully it will be addressed quickly. Rumors are flying that Dino Dai Zovi’s MacBook Pro exploit has been swiped and is making the rounds online. An anonymous blogger claims he/she was able to monitor the network at CanSecWest security conference and snag a full packet capture of the contest, which pitted hackers against two new MacBook Pro machines:

Apr 20, 2007 - 1 minute read - Comments

LPI Course Project - Alive and Well

Contributed by: Tim Inkpen The LPI Course Project is Alive and well. This is project is will put free on-line courses for the LPI Levels 1 & 2 exams for ovSAGE members at After several false starts, I have decided review the entire LPI exam requirements in depth before building the course. Anyone interested in assisting with this project is welcome to contact me at tinkpen at, Phone: (613) 241-7394 or Skype (ID: tinkpen).

Apr 19, 2007 - 1 minute read - Comments

Looks like we may have a basic meeting tonight

The original speaker has fallen through, not a large enough audience, and we don’t have the capacity for a very large one, so I guess it’s all good. There is a possibility for a speaker from Novell to show up tonight, but I don’t have confirmation on that either. I am going to bring along a short video I saw years ago that may be new to most people. Hopefully the VGA adapter I picked up for my mac works with the projector.

Apr 11, 2007 - 1 minute read - Comments

Great little comment I heard last night

There I was at the local HTCIA meeting and the presenter was nattering about HCI and passed this comment: There are only two industries where the customer base is calles users: Computer science, support and design Drug Trafficking It struck me as worth repeating. For the acronymically challenged… HTCIA - High Tech Crime Investigation Association HCI - Human Computer Interaction