Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Oct 14, 2008 - 3 minute read - Comments

It has been a while

It looks like I have not bothered with a blog entry since March. A lot can happen in 6 months… Data center closure Legacy migrations to a new datacenter Server consolidation Learning more than I wanted to about VMware NetApp configuration and testing Taking on a management role Having input in setting portions of corporate direction Hiring staff (all one so far) Vacation Family crisis (yeah, the fun never ends) and lots more… It’s been a roller coaster.

Oct 14, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments

October Meeting - 2008-10-16

That’s election week for those who can’t count, as well as Thanksgiving week. Topics: RT and interfacing to exchange and procmail Ontario Linux Fest HTCIA case study What to do with old computers Maybe some switches avaialable for those who show up? Other groups in the region

Jul 31, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments

July Meeting - Thursday, July 31, 2008

The meeting for this month was punted out to the 31, due to scheduling conflicts and OLS. No special topics, but I did run across another distribution that is supposed to work with the firebox II units I gave away a while ago. I’m going to try to set up one of the “alternate” models with that and if it works, do another session on it. Another hot topic which has reared it’s ugly head last week is the DNS vulnerability to cache poisoning.

Jun 21, 2008 - 3 minute read - Comments

Followup notes for the June 2008 meeting

We had an odd meeting, one might even say eclectic tonight. There was no formal agenda, other than a request to chat about the Canadian copyright Bill that has been tabled. More on that later. There was a short discussion on ISPs and the methods they appear to use to encourage legacy clients from acquisitions to find greener pastures. There is a consensus that the NCF as an ISP is the right way to go.

Jun 16, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments

June Meeting

This Thursday, the June monthly meeting will be held at Fidus. Directions are in the top right corner of the site.