Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Mar 20, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

Post March Meeting Followup

Just so we have some notes fro the meeting, I have to provide the following presentations before our next meeting: The finished Secure FTP Server presentation The SSL Certificate and useful commands presentation A short piece on care and feeding of an Apache based Secure file downloading service I mentioned BSDCan 2011 again. - the site appears to be working now, so it must have been an anomaly. I meant to pass out DVDs for PCBSD to everyone, but only managed to give out a few after the meeting.

Mar 20, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

LOPSA mentoring

Back in November or December I told the group about the LOPSA mentoring project and the call for volunteers at the community meeting at LISA. I believe that I had also stated that I had volunteered to be a mentor and I’m happy to announce that a project came up and that I have been matched up with someone who requires assistance with a backup system. While we haven’t really started yet (this only just happened) I’m hoping that it will be a pleasant experience for both of us.

Mar 7, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

BSDCan 2011 is coming...

BSDCan, a BSD conference held in Ottawa, Canada, has quickly established itself as the technical conference for people working on and with 4.4BSD based operating systems and related projects. The organizers have found a fantastic formula that appeals to a wide range of people from extreme novices to advanced developers. BSDCan 2011 will be held on 13-14 May 2011 at University of Ottawa, and will be preceded by two days of Tutorials on 11-12 May 2011.

Feb 22, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

Password Cracking Spreadsheet

I mentioned the password cracking spreadsheet at in our last meeting, here is the relevant link: Password cracking spreadsheet On the same site there is a discussion on the issue of passwords vs. passphrases and the spreadsheet is mentioned again: How long to crack a password

Feb 22, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

Contract job

Got this job ad from one of the agencies I’m in contact with: Linux admin - contract