Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Apr 8, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments

Module installation can be a real pain.

I was so happy with a recent book purchase that I decided to install the book review module. It installed with no issues, and appeared as a content option as expected. Then the trouble started… It appears that there is some incompatability with the module. It says it is installed, I can fill out the forms, but when I save it, nothing. After wasting a day on changes, attempted fixes, and browsing the database (of course I had opened the wrong one so nothing appeared to be working properly), I decided to uninstall it.

Apr 1, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments

Barcamp 3 - impressions

I was dragged to Barcamp 3 yesterday. It seems Carleton U has been granted some provincial money to “foster open source” so one of their contributions was to host Barcamp. Barcamp seems to be a once-in-a-while (every month-and-a half? every two months?) event. I think the Ottawa event was started by some vulture/venture capitalists who wanted to meet techies to slave, I mean work in their startups. But, this time they seem to have attracted some actual techies.

Mar 31, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments

Coffee Shop Computing - Not just for Novelists.

I have to admit, I’ve never sat in a coffee shop and worked on anything with a laptop before today. It’s a pretty great thing. Fresh coffee, semi-fresh food, good access (not the cheapest), etc. I’ve been working on a side contract and this was a convenient spot to meet with the other person working on the project, have some face time and get started on the project tasks list and timelines.

Mar 30, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments

Cable Management Tip

A friend of mine sent this around. From: Arnold XXXXXXXXX arnold.xxxxxxx@xxx To: Engineering Staff engineeringstaff@xxx Subject: cable management Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:55:11 -0400 Hi All, Thought I would share a tip I just thought of… In pursuing the contract here at yyy, I got a mitt full of fibre yesterday..lots of pretty single and multi-mode 6’-10’ cables. Annoyingly, I realised these would end up a tangled mess as there are no twisties to be had (the metal wires in the “garbagebag” variety are not something you want around exposed circuit boards, obviously!

Mar 29, 2007 - 1 minute read - Comments

Advertising: Why do we do it?

Well, I guess the better question is what’s in it for me? In my case, I get a book from O’Reilly for each of their banners. Most of their conferences and their magazines have this deal. So, having a banner for an event of magazine on the web page for a couple of months in return for one of their books is very nice. The other items I may place on the site from time to time are local events or conferences.