Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Apr 17, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

April Meeting: Topic discussions

This is going to be more of an interactive discussion meeting. The goal is to have a list of topics and get everyone involved in sharing some knowledge. I’ll post a followup with the topic list and we will try to schedule in the right people and topics over the rest of the year. In addition, we have a couple of items: A server room environmental monitor prototype BSDCan is next month and we will be swapping the night of our meetings On our regular meeting night in May, there will be a puppet meetup at the University of Ottawa.

Mar 15, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

New event system in use

I am trying out a different event manager and while I think it is better than the prior one, it doesn’t post an article on the site. I currently need to add an item manually and the RSS feed does not see the calendar events directly. I don’t think there are too many people who look at the RSS feed, but you never know. I’ll have to ask about it at the meeting.

Feb 9, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

February Meeting 2014

Git for sysadmins Talking about git: what is it, what are the components, how do you make them go? Also a look at gitk and its capabilities, looking at a large codebase (1/4 million lines of code, about 8 years of development, 9,000 revisions committed). Speaker Bio Talk by Brenda J. Butler, Maker member at CREDIL. Brenda has been programming on unix/linux environments for ~20 years, doing application development, web sites, kernel programming and embedded programming, with a little system administration and teaching thrown in for good measure.

Jan 17, 2014 - 28 minute read - Comments

Building a Firewall Appliance with pfSense and ALIX2D3

Purpose I am aware that this topic has been done before and probably more times than is worth counting, however this was originally written as a HOWTO for my brother to install a replacement for his old gateway box. I wanted to include all of the stuff that is usually left out, as I felt that would reduce the number of possible phone calls until he wanted to do something interesting with the unit.

Jan 8, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

January Meeting: Ringing in the GNU year

Title: January Meeting: Ringing in the GNU year Location: CHANGE!!! Dymon Self Storage, 323 Coventry Rd. Link out: Click here Description: Another calendar year has rolled over, time to learn to write the date correctly again. Not a whole lot to talk about this month: I’m still working out my documentation management system and it is getting closer to something I think I can live with. AsciiDoc or AsciiDoctor are the closest to useful that I have managed to find so far.