I have been reviewing Solaris hardening guides to try to get a couple of better ideas for my customized hardening scripts. While reading, I ran across a link to softpanorama.org. I was glancing at the article which almost looks as if it was sponsored by Microsoft :)
Anyway, to cut to the chase…
“Standard disclaimer: The statements, views and opinions presented on this web page are those of the author and are not endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect, the opinions of the author, present and former employers, SDNP or any other organization the author may be associated with.
Well, that was quite the meal:
Good food Good company Good wine Good conversation Pretty much sums it up. I’m sitting in front of my computer wondering how long it will be until I feel like a normal person again. I have to order a smaller meal next time I am down there.
For those who were wondering where that post I mentioned regarding the Apple Leopard Server OS, the link is “I’m not a mac zealot.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks… Work, outside activities, visitors, etc.
First thing. I have posted the poll for the social meeting. Visit the site and log in to vote. Voting closes in 2 weeks. Just enough time to make a decision and send it vis the mailing list.
Next thing. I need a new job. My contract ends in just over a month and I don’t have anything lined up yet.
Open to suggestions.
I was sure I had posted about this, but I guess I never finished or I dreamed about it. Pretty much the same thing I would guess.
The event was October 13 in Toronto and had a pre-conference part the night before as well as a post conference party. I skipped the pre-conference party as I was visiting my brother and it would have been pretty rude to drop in and say “Here’s my junk, I’ll see you later.