Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Dec 2, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

Some info for the CLI savvy

I saw a reference to a site on one of my emails or feeds earlier that gave this URL: In a fit of “might be something out there”, I had a look and discovered a bash built-in that I had never run across before, disown. Take a look at the bash manpage for this little gem, but the nutshell version is that it will take a command that you either forgot to run nohup on or screen before you ran it and with some optional parameters, you can take a long running process, background it, run disown -h <jobid> and all of a sudden, you can disassociate the job with your terminal, allowing it to ignore SIGHUP and continue on even if you log out.

Nov 26, 2010 - 2 minute read - Comments

Post November Meeting Info

We had a small turnout tonight, but that made it somewhat more casual (if that’s possible). Most of the discussion was about the LISA 2010 conference which two of us attended. As I have previously mentioned, it was a great conference and a lot of interesting things were presented. I think the most interesting item was the pervasive social media. Twiter, IRC, facebook, etc. were all in constant use. While this isn’t really a new phenomenon, this is the most blatant use I’ve seen.

Nov 15, 2010 - 3 minute read - Comments

November Meeting: 2010-11-25

LISA'10 is over and there are stories to tell. There is a new program started up with LOPSA and the training sessions were great. The hallway track was quite good although this year it suffered a bit from the incessant tweeting that was going on. It’s hard to make progress on something when the pop-up indicator on your screen is (almost) constantly lighting up with a new comment. There are two additional conferences happening in 2011.

Nov 4, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

November Meeting

Title - November Meeting Location - The Pythian Group Link out - Click here Description - Post LISA'10 meeting. Note that this is NOT the Third Thursday of November! I’ll be talking about the conference and some of the more oddball things I have been up to recently. Monitoring will be part of the topic and automated reports that have funky graphs. Start Time - 19:00 Date - 2010-11-25 End Time - 21:30

Oct 29, 2010 - 3 minute read - Comments

eBooks, LISA countdown, LOPSA

I’m going to add a few eBooks (PDF at the moment) to the downloads section. These are GFDL or marketing papers, so I don’t see an issue. They may have some value to you, so feel free to download and have a look. LISA ‘10 starts next Sunday. That should be a lot of fun and a lot of late nights and early mornings. It’s certainly a busy conference and there is so much to do/see/attend.