Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Apr 19, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Re

Original Article: Hi, We are currently investigating the possibility of setting up a console server. It would reside on a Compaq PC running Lynux (Redhat 5.2). Would you have any suggestions on communication software that I could install that would allow remote access. Thanks, Pierre Charbonneau What exactly do you want it to be a console server for? unix boxes? Assuming you have several serial ports, just plug them into what ever machines you want to be the console for.

Apr 15, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Re: April Meeting

We now have a room at the Rideau Campus of Algonquin, room E128 booked from 6pm until 10pm. Original Article: The April meeting will be held on the 20th, at 19:30hrs. The location is yet to be determined. We may be holding future meetings at the Rideau campus of Algonquin, but that has not yet been confirmed. If this does not pan out, we will have the meeting at the Ambleside Board Room as per the previous meetings.

Apr 7, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] April Meeting

The April meeting will be held on the 20th, at 19:30hrs. The location is yet to be determined. We may be holding future meetings at the Rideau campus of Algonquin, but that has not yet been confirmed. If this does not pan out, we will have the meeting at the Ambleside Board Room as per the previous meetings. As we are still getting a minimal attendance, the topics for discussion

Apr 7, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Re: Console Server

Original Article: Hi, We are currently investigating the possibility of setting up a console server. It would reside on a Compaq PC running Lynux (Redhat 5.2). Would you have any suggestions on communication software that I could install that would allow remote access. Thanks, Pierre Charbonneau You might want to investigate VNC as a remote management tool, but then you could also just telnet to the box. The solution would most likely be

Apr 7, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Console Server

Hi, We are currently investigating the possibility of setting up a console server. It would reside on a Compaq PC running Lynux (Redhat 5.2). Would you have any suggestions on communication software that I could install that would allow remote access. Thanks, Pierre Charbonneau eGroup home: Free Web-based e-mail groups by