Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Feb 22, 2010 - 3 minute read - Comments

Highly amusing... and so true!

Matt Simmons sent a tweet this morning regarding today’s xkcd comic. His observation was that it would make a large number of sysadmin blogs and I’d have to agree. The rest of his commentary from his blog is also quite apt. I remember having this discussion at the LISA conference multiple times, specifically the hero complex and how dangerous it is to stability and reliability for all the reasons listed.

Feb 21, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

Once more, a new system

As I have been promising, I have finally pushed the new site live. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to migrate data and users from the old site, so I will be bringing over the users from the old site. If you are impatient, register again and I’ll avoid duplicating you. Due to a difference in the password encoding mechanisms used, you will have to use the lost password feature to get a new one.

Jul 15, 2009 - 3 minute read - Comments

Rules to live by

Well, advice anyway. During the weekly meeting while the usual suspects were discussing things that do not affect the site here, I was getting some information for a project and ran across an odd link that brought me to a page that had an interesting looking link on the sidebar. Clicking on it, I was looking at a personal observation page reflecting on the 5 things the author had gotten from his father:

Jul 14, 2009 - 4 minute read - Comments

Sometimes it's a good day.

Today did not start our so well, my client ran out of home directory space. Not that this was unexpected. Yesterday I noticed we were down to 20GB of shared space. Sounds like a lot, given that there are less than 100 people and this is unix home directory stuff. I went out a warning that we were running out of space and it was time to do some clean up.

Jul 14, 2009 - 1 minute read - Comments

Since I'm considering changing the site engine...

I may as well look at changing the whole colour scheme and logo. The current one was something I put together in a hurry one night and while servicable, it could use an improvement. If anyone wants to try their hand at a logo, feel free. We can even vote on it. I may even be able to provide an O’Reilly book as an incentive. I’m partial to the soft Blue tones, but looking at some themes on other sites, there are many other things that can be done.