Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

May 18, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments

May Meeting

May Meeting, Tim hortons on Carling and March next to the Lone Star Topics: BSD Canada 2006 OSW (Open Source Weekend) Sorry for the late posting, I forgot I hadn’t taken care of it before the conference last week.

May 8, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments

OSW: Free Culture Carleton

This is posted from the OSW mailing list, with a few edits for readability. Yes, I’m confirming that Free Culture Carleton will be involved in the May 14th [OSW event. I’ll give details about our presentation(s) on the wiki. I’m interested in doing a talk about Creative Commons, self-publishing media, and the iCommons summit. Someone I know may do a presentation on Linux audio software. Please pass the wiki password to me and I will put the details up there.

Apr 16, 2006 - 2 minute read - Comments

April Meeting

Time for another meeting. This will probably be our last meeting at Altera, as Kelly will be finishing up there in mid May. I’ll have to look for a new location, so it may be a Tim Hortons for a while and then possibly a community center or some such ilk. As for topics, how about data center practices? I’ve been attempting to trace cabling on and off for the past couple of weeks and it drove home how much better BNR had managed their data centers.

Apr 6, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments

LPI Certification is on for the Open Source Weekend

We only have LPI 101 and 102 avaliable at this time. It appears that 201 and 202 are under revision. It also appears that I had a typo in the email address. The actual email address is Click on the link below to prefill the message Date and Time Location: University of Ottawa, SITE Building May 14, 2006 Seating 1 10:00 to 11:30 Seating 2 13:00 to 14:30 Room: To Be Determined

Mar 21, 2006 - 1 minute read - Comments

Solaris 10 zones and Dtrace

I find the following URLs are useful for those tinkering with the new features shipped with Solaris 10 (zones - their virtualization scheme - and Dtrace - a better ’truss’ and optimization/troubleshooting tool). They provide a very good introduction and usable examples you can test right away, instead of plowing your way through Sun’s documentation: Zones Dtrace examples