I got back home from Toronto somewhere around 02:30.
Warning: Never do this alone!
Well, good thing I didn’t… Some of that gear can be heavy, so a second set of hands is useful. Loading it into a personal vechicle is also easier with two people - good thing I don’t have a tiny compact car. I can just see this happening in a SMART car or an Innocenti (yes, shudder).
Just learned about this line of commercial systems management appliances (company is named KACE) in a LOPSA forum:
Has anyone heard about or worked with/tested these products?
For those who haven’t heard about Journalspace.com going the way of the dodo:
Lessons from this incident abound:
Choosing a sysadmin (what kind of sysadmin thinks that RAID = backup???) Managing IT Dealing with fired employees that have the keys to the kingdom
Today I was mostly left alone. Gotta love vacation. No progress on the rework of my computers, but I guess that’s what happens when you get caught up in the last throes of a dying year.
Now I have to figure out how to take a day off the first week back :)
On the plus side, I should be left alone for the rest of this day and tomorrow at least.
I know, the meeting is long past. I did want to say that we did in fact have a meeting and that we were having a social meeting.
Dinner at Ceylonta 19:00 to 21:00 bring a guest.