Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Feb 18, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments

February Meeting

This Thursday is the monthly meeting. I do remember saying that we could do something techie this time around, so I’m bringing a handful of Watchguard Firebox IIs to turn into monowall security appliances. The process is remarkably simple and they will run embedded BSD internally when we are completed. All materials will be provided (as you only get to keep the completed box). Points for good questions. As this won’t take all night (at least it shouldn’t), think up some good topics for post mods.

Feb 18, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments

Looks like it's that time again...

Well, it’s always time for stupidity. I was looking through updates on facebook and there it was… A National Post Article on copyright. As I have an interest in the existing provisions of the copyright act as we currently know it, I thought it would be a good read. Reading through it, it appears that our Industry minister is in the middle of fast tracking a DMCA like ammendment or law, contrary to the wishes of the public, the retailers, broadcasters, telcos and ISPs.

Jan 13, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments


No, not the David Bowie song. For those in the know, my contract at ST ended January 4th and I had the joy of being unemployed (underemployed?) for a whole 5 days, my choice. I have accepted the role of Security Officer with “Unnamed Company” and that starts January 14th so this should be a fun week as I get started in my new position (no comments from Bruce please).

Jan 13, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments

January Meeting

As it says in the calendar, this week is meeting week. I was thinking that we should set a couple of goals for the year, so we have something to work towards, as well as try for a few training sessions. Topics welcome. Some things that will come up are: firewalls possible amateur radio presentation stuff to do training?

Jan 3, 2008 - 1 minute read - Comments

A lawyer's viewpoint

Others may or may not have come across this website before, but if not I figured that it would be a good source of information, from a legal point of view on some of the issues facing our industry. If nothing else it could be the catalyst for some interesting arguements. Michael Geist is a lawyer who appears to take a relatively rational approach to some of the “improvements” the politicians are trying to inflict upon a world that they do not understand.