Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Dec 19, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

January Meeting 2015: *Not* a Puppet Talk

Due to some unexpected interruptions and the visiting season that has just passed, I didn’t get enough prep time to get this talk ready, so I’m punting it to February. Instead, I’m going to go over building a lab environment on a server with the free version of VMWare ESXi 5.5 and the joy of getting things installed. This has a few challenges, which I will be covering in the talk, not the least of which is the method of managing the box, as the system has been “improved.

Jul 26, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

SysAdmin Appreciation Day

Met up with a few sysadmins for SysAdmin Appreciation Day at Pasticceria Gelatteria Italiana in Ottawa’s Little Italy. Not everyone was in the picture, I only managed one due to conversation. Good times… lots of stories, work talk, tech discussion, good natured insults, vocabulary expansion, coffee, paninnis, gelato, pastries, etc. Looking forward to next year.

Jun 19, 2014 - 2 minute read - Comments

Post June Meeting Followup...

We had an informative talk by Kelly on online training options based on his recent experiences. As we discussed the information, we discovered the talk could be expanded to include all of the local and online resources to provide continuous self-improvement for sysadmins who either have free time outside of work, are working part-time, may be between contracts or are looking to take some time off for training. Kelly is looking to update the talk to include the extra items we discussed and possibly do a followup talk in the new year.

Jun 13, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

The schedule for the rest of the year has been published.

After the April meeting, I have scheduled the rest of the year. topics are picked, people scheduled, descriptions added (subject to edit), and I still have a list for next year. I’ll be talking to people over the next couple of weeks to see who wants to cover some future topics.

Apr 19, 2014 - 1 minute read - Comments

April followup

After our discussion, we came up with a list of topics for future meetings. I’m going to do a talk on the environmental monitor unit I brought with me based on the Raspberry Pi and a few add-ons for May We have the following items listed, with a couple of volunteers so far: Basic firewalls - re-purposing EOL gear for ongoing use (August) OpenVPN Security, an example would be the SANS Top 20 Zabbix (maybe June) Coursera experiences talk and discussion (July) Small NAS appliances such as Synology including: Package Creation encfs sshfs deduplication NFS ipkg Third party software packages Crypto basics(using OpenSSL) Pen Testing with Metasploit (tentatively in November) Hardware simulation on different platforms Using the XBMC API for message and video injection Online learning experiences (panel type presentation) Diskless Raspberry Pi Network and Automated installs of almost everything Configuration management with current tools Screencasting/training Good looking documentation with open source tools Wordpress usage cases For anyone interested, Bruce mentioned that Udemy has their top 1500 courses on for $10.