Title: September Meeting 2012
Location: Tim Horton’s, 660 Eagleson Rd, Kanata
Link out: Click here
Description: Nothing special this month.
General discussion would be the theme. I just got back from vacation, so no real time to come up with a great topic.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2012-09-20
End Time: 21:30
It seems that password theft is up. I’m not sure this is a surprise to anyone who reads this site, but it is so much easier than it used to be with all of the malware out there, better compute platforms, botnets, phishing, etc. It has gotten to the point where I have had to start using a password manager, simply due to the sheer number of passwords I need to track and the complexity rules I choose to use implementing passwords.
Title: August Meeting: 2012-08-16
Location: Tim Horton’s, 660 Eagleson Rd, Kanata
Link out: Click here
Only 5 meetings left this year…
ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity Experiences with ASCIIDOC Using BACULA for archiving O’Reilly Books SysAdmin Day 2012 followup Other items - we always have a few Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2012-08-16
End Time: 21:30
I suspect that some of you might be interested in this offering, so I’m posting it here.
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Image located via google image search. I have no idea who owns it, but it does sum it all up.
This Friday (tomorrow, July 27, 2012) is System Administrator Appreciation Day (SAAD acronym). While not a well recognized event outside of the community, it’s our day and we should celebrate. I sent a note to the mailing list for an informal get together after work on Friday and it looks like a few people will be there.