Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Jul 21, 2004 - 2 minute read - Comments

Post July Meeting Info

We had a successful meeting, people arrived, we chatted, we even watched a short talk that had been given at BSDcan 2004 on IP Law and Innovation. The meeting was well attended (for us), and we actually managed the planned agenda. Another first. We started with a video from the BSDcan 2004 conference that was held at UofO last May, and other than the sound being a little on the low side, it was pretty interesting.

Jul 9, 2004 - 1 minute read - Comments

Exams Tomorrow

LPI tests tomorrow! If you haven’t signed up by now, you don’t know what you are missing.

Jul 7, 2004 - 1 minute read - Comments

Meeting location page added

I’ve been shamed into it. Brenda had a reference to a “How to get there” on the sign up page for the LPI exams, and I decided that it would be a good thing to add. It is visible in the menu bar along the top of the page as “Meeting Info”

Jun 17, 2004 - 1 minute read - Comments

Post June Meeting Info

Meeting over, attendance low. That was the lowest attendance in months - all of three people. Oh well, at least it was easy to pick who got the book, I flipped a coin for it. This month we had a copy of Using SANs and NAS to give away. As far as the rest of the meeting was concerned, we had a brief discussion of Linux certification, and where to go for review information for the LPI exams

Jun 12, 2004 - 1 minute read - Comments

June Meeting

As you can see on the left, there is a meeting this Thursday at Altera. Topics this time around will include the upcoming LPI exams, Doom as a system administartion tool, and anything else that strikes our fancy. This week, there will be an O’Reilly book up for grabs, title not being specified on purpose.Topics this time around will include the upcoming LPI exams, Doom as a system administartion tool, and aything else that strikes our fancy.