Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Sep 17, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments

Post September Follow-up

We had more people than I expected tonight, so that was a plus. While it was a very informal evening and not on topic all evening, we did manage to get a couple of people back on track with GPG. Don’t forget to exchange public keys and sign them and send them back. The more signatures, the more trusted the GPG key. The site I mentioned for random password generation is: http://world.

Aug 20, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments

August Followup

It was a small turnout tonight, probably something to do with work schedules, deliverables, vacations and Brazilian style rain. The good news is that due to a laptop issue and a spate of excess work, I had not managed to get my docker talk together, so I recycled a talk I had done for OCLUG earlier this year. The talk was on static site generation and it featured a demo that used digital ocean droplets (docker like instances) for the source machine representing a laptop or desktop and the target web server.

Jul 23, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments

July Follow-up

I guess immediately means about a week later. The slides for the talk are up, but you will need to log in to get them. The default login URL has been altered on this site. It’s amazing how many spam registrations that has reduced. I’ll have to see about adding back a login box on the main page. I’ll probably get around to an SSL cert as well in the next couple of weeks.

Jul 16, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments

June Follow-Up

I guess I’ve been a little remiss in posting the follow-up note. The notes are available in the download section, but you have to log in to get them. Unfortunately I had to alter the login URL due to the number of spam registrations I have been getting. Every time I post something that hits twitter, the spam registrations come rolling in. At some point in the near future, I’ll add a login box back on the front page.

Jun 18, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments

Photos from BSDCan 2015

Here are a few photos from the conference this year. I’ll have to do better next year. Img 4030 Img 4031 Img 4040 Img 4042 Img 4046 Img 4047 Img 4050 Img 4055