Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Feb 23, 2002 - 3 minute read - Comments

Re February Meeting

Ok, Time to apologize yet again, but due to the aggressive time schedule I am currently under to complete a ridiculous number of tasks before Feb. 25th, plus the fact that I can only work on some of my servers now before 9am and after 5pm I am going to have to postpone again. Good news is.. Feb. 25th was a date set back in December, and after that I am back

Feb 23, 2002 - 2 minute read - Comments

Re Re February Meeting

Ok, (Cut-n-Paste time since egroups *will not* send me a verification email for my address) Time to apologize yet again, but due to the aggressive time schedule I am currently under to complete a ridiculous number of tasks before Feb. 25th, plus the fact that I can only work on some of my servers now before 9am and after 5pm I am going to have to postpone again. Good news is.

Feb 18, 2002 - 2 minute read - Comments

Topics for next months meeting.

Howdy everyone, this is a call for topics for the February’s meeting. We’re still awaiting Steve’s mystery talk, but I’ve also got something to talk about if anyone’s interested. I’d like to talk about using proxy-arp and other goodies under Linux 2.2/2.4 to build pseudo-bridges. An application of this stems from the following scenario: I’ve got a small subnet of ISP assigned IP addresses. Two are used for Internet facing servers, and the last is used for a NAT’ing

Feb 15, 2002 - 1 minute read - Comments

It's that time again - February Meeting - 2002/02/21 @ 19

Details for the next meeting of Ottawa Valley SAGE. Location: Mitel Networks Suite 1500, 15th Floor. 150 Metcalfe St. SW corner of Metcalfe and Laurier Date: Thursday February 21, 2002 Time: 7:00PM Directions: Queensway Heading east or west, take the Metcalfe Exit and head north to Laurier. There is a public parking lot 2 blocks west on Laurier and another one block east. Topics: Mystery Topic - Stephen Beaton (deferred from January, deferred from

Feb 2, 2002 - 8 minute read - Comments

January Meeting Minutes.

Here’s info from the January meeting: Attendees: Scott Adrian Ed Mike from It was a pretty informal meeting, but we covered a few different things: Ed brought some give-aways with him, including some Silly Putty, and some Sun software. Scott talked about revamping the website, which will hopefully include secure email, and addresses for those interested. We also touched on using a Linux bootable CD to replace Windows