May you live in interesting times is certainly the thing for this week.
Bell cut off my provider last week for a day and a half, today there is a network flood that causes my DSL modem to lock up, and I walked on the power bar where I had plugged in while I was moving the server into a rack. I’m surprised anything survived.
At least this constituted some activity on the site.
We have to have the exams shipped in from Toronto, so anyone who has not signed up by Monday night may not have an exam to write on. I will send a confirmation email to everyone who is scheduled to write.
Meeting this Thursday, Nov 20, 2004. See calendar for details.
Last meeting had some relatively lively discussion, hopefully we can keep the trend going. Given that we will be punting the LPI exams out, this could help map out training (if people want it), and we could discuss GNU cfengine.
Just to clear up any confusion, you need to send an email to with the following information:
Name (First Last) Valid Email Address LPI Identification Number (you need this to take the exam) Which exams will you be taking? (101R 101D 102 201 or 202)
Exam 101 can be done with a RedHat Package Manager (101R) or Debian Package Manager (101D) specialty Which Seating (11:00 or 13:00, or both) in order to write the exam Looks like we will have a little more time to get ready.
We will be hosting an exam on Nov 20 at the Altera offices in Kanata.
I know it’s a bit out of the way, but we do have use of the training center there, and it holds about 40 people. Space is limited to that many people.
Some details about the location …
We are setting up for two seatings, 11:00 and 13:00 For those who use public transit, and are are not familiar with Kanata, the bus route 160 passes along March Road (near the building) on Saturdays octranspo schedule.