Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Sep 15, 2013 - 1 minute read - Comments

Galleries are fixed.

Looks like it was a short code issue after an update that messed things up. Revisiting the posts and correcting the codes seems to have fixed everything. RSS feeds are still working, so I think we are all good.

Sep 13, 2013 - 2 minute read - Comments

September Meeting 2013

Title: September Meeting 2013 Location: Tim Horton’s, 660 Eagleson Rd, Kanata Link out: Click here Description: Welcome to September… A couple of items for the group first: LISA'13 will be in Washington D.C. from Nov 03-08, 2013 We are now a full Local for LOPSA and the only one outside the U.S. at this time. I’m thinking of re-branding the site a little to show the affiliation and to remove the old SAGE branding as that is now ancient history.

Aug 17, 2013 - 1 minute read - Comments

Image galleries are currently unavailable.

Well, they are disabled at the moment due to a problem with the RSS feed. After having it brought to my attention a few days ago, I finally had a chance to have a look and it seems that the combination of plugins I have all work except the nextgen gallery, so I’ll be messing around with gallery plugins for a little bit and update the posts when I get it fixed.

Aug 17, 2013 - 6 minute read - Comments

August Meeting Notes

We did not manage to get through all of the items I wanted to discuss, however I did manage to hit all of the bullet points that were posted for the meeting. That leaves me with a few topics for the next meeting, so all is good. Asciidoctor: A Ruby tool for Documentation I have mentioned AsciiDoc numerous times in the past and I still think it has great utility. I’m trying to keep documentation in that format, as it can be read as simple text as well as used to generate very nicely formatted output in formats suitable for printing, web pages, etc.

Aug 8, 2013 - 1 minute read - Comments

August Meeting 2013

Title: August Meeting 2013 Location: Tim Horton’s, 660 Eagleson Rd, Kanata Link out: Click here Description: The August meeting came around a little earlier than expected with the third Thursday being on the 15th. We have a few topics for discussion, including: A tool for Ruby documentation A couple of pictures from SysAdmin Day Data logging with a RPi Charting services for web enabled devices. The internet of things is being tracked A couple of comments on the OCLUG meeting on SUSEstudio and BTRFS The usual open call for more topics For anyone interested, the full LISA'13 registration will be opening next month, so if you are going, you might want to sign up early.