Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Jan 24, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Meeting night proposal.

As there has been no activity as to what night would be good, I think that Tuesday night (February 16)would be appropriate for the meeting. Location is still to be determined. Dissention? Discussion? Scott eGroup home: Free Web-based e-mail groups by

Jan 18, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Re Meeting location?

At LISA we had discussed meeting possibly at Algonquin as the OCunix group does– any further ideas? I think Algonquin would be a good location for a regularly scheduled time and place. How much notice does Algonquin need to allow us a room? In addition, one of the list members has proposed a conference room near Hunt Club and Riverside for the first meeting, as he does not need to give much

Jan 18, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Meeting location?

At LISA we had discussed meeting possibly at Algonquin as the OCunix group does– any further ideas? – ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kevin Currie | | | | email: Sys Admin | .|||. .|||. |kcurrie (at) Cisco Systems | ..:|||||||:…:|||||||:.. | (613) 274-4023 Ottawa, Ontario |—————————–| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eGroup home: Free Web-based e-mail groups by

Jan 14, 1999 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] Ottawa Valley SAGE has a web page

Visit the new Ottawa Valley SAGE web page at eGroup home: Free Web-based e-mail groups by

Dec 16, 1998 - 1 minute read - Comments

Welcome to the ovsage E-Mail Group

This group is for the members of the Ottawa VAlley SAGE Local. The purpose of this group is to promote the profession of System Administration. Group Moderator: To subscribe, send a message to or go to this e-group’s home page at