Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Jun 26, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments

June Meeting Info

Congratulations to Kelly. He received the first O’Reilly book that was being given out. He is now the proud owner of Using Samba, and hopefully he will post a review on the site after he reads up on the topic. Next month, there will be another book on the table. For those interested, the meeting conversation included site monitoring, ecommerce, and burn out. Scott

Jun 20, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments

Mailing list software installed

UPDATE - The mailing list software has been broken for quite some time. I was completely unaware for a while, that shows the activity it wasn’t getting. I have decided not to revive the mailman based system, but to add a new one. Hopefully it will integrate into this system a little better.As some/most of you know by now, I have installed mailman on the web server. You can sign up for announcements at http://www.

Jun 13, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments

Do we have any topics?

This area is for the proposal of topics for future meetings.If anyone has any ideas for meetings, please post them here. If you have something you want to present, please feel free to volunteer to do so. It would be a good idea to post meeting ideas individually as new topics, so we can have a separate running commentary on each topic. Once we get a few on the go, we can have a vote on what we want to see when.

May 8, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments

Next Meeting New Website

May Meeting - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 19:00 - 21:30 Altera Ottawa Technology Center 411 Legget Drive, Suite 100 Kanata Topic(s): Serial resources, server rooms, console management Check out the website. It’s at I will be migrating the contents of this group over to the website over the next couple of weeks, primarily to get rid of the annoying advertising. It also will allow for a much more flexible site.

May 8, 2003 - 1 minute read - Comments

Apathy Reigns!

As has become customary, attendance is rather low at the meetings. If anyone has an idea as to how to increase the attendance, it would be a good thing. Is there a special topic someone would like to see? Perhaps a training night on some obscure topic - or even a common one. A bring your favorite hack and talk about it…. The list can be endless, so if someone has something they would like to talk about, find out about, or even teach, here’s a chance.