Ottawa Valley SAGE

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May 19, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

May Meeting - no presentation

Just a quick update in case you didn’t look at the calendar. We will be having the meeting at The Second Cup in Bells Corners. Topics: BSDCan2011 FreeNAS and a couple of FreeNAS install media to give out PCBSD 8.2 media i386 and x86_64 available Discussion of future venues BSD Magazine needs writers Also, pgcon is on this week

May 7, 2011 - 2 minute read - Comments

Trying out the iOS client

Sitting down and trying a blog entry via iPad. The intent is to see if the app is useful or not, rather than the content of the entry. So far it seems to be of limited utility, as it has no useful formatting capability, just plain text. I’ll have to see what the posts look like after this is published. It would be nice if I could inline an image from the camera or photo album.

Apr 22, 2011 - 2 minute read - Comments

April Meeting Follow-up (updated)

First off, I’d like to thank Yanick for the great presentation. It’s been a while since I looked at new features in perl and I’m inspired to install 5.12 and start utilizing all of the stuff that’s now available. Who knows, might be some good thinks for the $DAYJOB hiding in there. I did ask for a copy of the slides and as soon as I get them, I’ll post them to the download section.

Apr 14, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

April Meeting

Title: April Meeting Location: Pythian Link out: Click here Description: Perl talk from Yanick Champoux, one of the Pythian SysAdmins Perl Hackers. Synopsis: One of Perls’ original raisons d’ętre was to be a sysadmin’s best friend. Come and find out how to to leverage Perl for everyday administrative tasks. We’ll cover Perl’s command-line arguments Well-known idioms for common situations Perl as ‘sed’ Perl as ‘awk’ Perl as ‘find’ From one-liner to small script and back Leveraging TAP as a system monitoring tool Must-have modules And much more.

Mar 30, 2011 - 2 minute read - Comments

Mentoring - second post

Well, it’s been off to a slow start, mostly my fault, due to tax filings, getting up to speed and that stupid cold that has been affecting people in the $DAYJOB arena. It feels like someone is randonly stuffing cotton balls into my head and then pulling them out. Foggy… Clear… (repeat). Did I ever mention that I hate colds? You are not ill enough to be unable to work, just slow and stupid - and they linger!