We had a few things to discuss at the last meeting, but no serious technical talk. I promised to post a couple of links so here we go…
First item on the table was anyone who has tried to get the email server running and failed AND still wants to get it working, send me an email off-list and I’ll get together with you to get it done. Serious requests only :)
We now have a group on LinkedIn, so if you are a LinkedIn member, sign up!
This may help promote the group at a professional level. Thanks for the idea Jim!
Title: October Meeting
Location: The Pythian Group
Link out: Click here
Description: This will be an open topic meeting, so bring a few questions. I want to talk about some tools I’ve seen recently and some of the happenings in the community.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-10-21
End Time: 21:30
We had a great presentation by Jeff Green on his ethical hacking site group51. He provided the slides that were presented and I’ve placed them in the download section of the site.
Jeff also encouraged the members to sign up and contribute. He needs assistance on the site management and daily maintenance as it is becoming more than a single person job. If you have the bandwidth and the inclination, help out.
Title: September Presentation
Location: The Pythian Group
Link out: Click here
Description: We are having a short presentation on ethical hacking concentrating on Linux by Jeff Green, founder of group51.org.
One of the key objectives of the website is a proof of concept. We take systems we find in peoples garbage and insert them into a cloud computing environment connected through an open source intranet. We want to be the most powerful garbage pile in the world.